Well here it is! My other Datsun. I use to drive this little car for 3,5 years. It had many problems but mostly they were caused by stupid owner. I didn't know heck about cars back then. It lacked basic maintenance but STILL it keeps running! Again i was amazed how this little Nippon started alive, i just put some high octane gas on tank, added little oil and charged battery. It actually started faster than Z normally!! And it has been standing for years! And it moved too :D Of course the odours were something beyond imagination, it's been on there for almost 5 so.. Still, every electric apparatus worked as should, radio was loud and clear, all the gauges work.. Everything is ok EXCEPT the infamous RUST. Wheel arches are totally busted, i cant even imagine what it looks like under the car (though it has been over sand all the time)
When i got enough time and money, i will sandblast the whole damn thing and rebuild it. Now i just start to dismantle it piece by piece, hoping that someday it is ready.