Few days ago we decieded to clean the garage as it is suited for 2 cars. The other half is full of stuff that we are 1)never going to use 2)use it maybe 2 times a year 3)stuff that nobody knows how to use 4)just plain trash. If someone wants to buy a old school dining table or good'ol cathode ray TV, just call me.
Eventually we got rid of the trahs part and stuffed all the unnecessary crap in the corner. Now there is room to have a disco party! Maybe tommorrow we deciede to clean the THIRD garage. Previous owner was farsighted when he built 3 garages instead of none. Well he was a rally driver so.. Now there is so called "bachelor-box" in the garage. All i need is fridge full of beer
We gotta make room as the little brother is coming home. Not MY little brother but 240z's. Im gonna bring the 150Y home.
Oh No! Don't let the Z get buried! =)
VastaaPoistaThree garages!? No fair! =)
You got three Zees, i got three garages ;)
VastaaPoistaI agree 3 garages is not fair at all. 3 Zees is not fair either. All I have is 3G. :(